Monday, January 9, 2017

"Stop being a butthole wife.."

Wow.. this article is absolutely perfect.

Since we had our son I have noticed that I get on my husbands case ALOT more. And for little, stupid, insignificant things. I don't mean to be mean, but it happens.

It seems to deal with our son recently... don't do that, why is he crying, what did you do, he doesn't like that, don't feed him that, he can't have that, why don't you know these things.. so on and so forth.

I usually justify all of that by saying I'm just looking out for him and doing what's best for our son. I'm protecting him. Whatever makes me feel better, because I KNOW that I am saying all of those things to my wonderful, hard working, loving husband.

This article was EXACTLY what I needed to read.

I think some take an extreme view of this article and think that it's saying that we, as wives, need to suck it up and do EVERYTHING for our spouse and family and just be a slave basically.

To me, it's just saying to not sweat the small stuff. Don't make mountains out of mole hills and find your blessings in your annoyances. You never know when they won't be there anymore and then you will miss them.

I am extremely grateful for all of the hard work and support that my husband has given and continues to give me. I wouldn't be able to get through this mom life without him.

Try to change your thoughts toward your most grueling tasks and turn them into blessings:

Laundry = clothes to wear
Dishes = food to eat
Bills to pay = place to live/car to drive etc.

This week, try to find the blessings in your lives. I promise that it definitely changes your attitude toward those dirty socks on  the floor.

Be Forever Grateful!

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